Thursday 22 February 2018

Arduino Lighting Controller Design

 Things to do...

  • interface RC light control and RC light RX
  • increase power to RF24
  • find some switches


Steps to improve transmission errors.
  • Reduce data rate to 250KBPS.
  • CRC length 8.
  • increase number of retries
  • 100uF capacitors across RF24 board power inputs.

Software libraries

The TX arduino is using JChristensen's button library. TX and RX use the RF24 library.



Wireless tutorial

Serial tutorial

Tuesday 6 February 2018

Attempt to cast a hard body from a lexan the body shell

The original body Proline '85 Hilux lexan body. I was never 100% satisfied with it so it became destined for sacrifice...

Cast of the body shell in plaster. Literally just filled with plaster. Note that removing the cast destroyed the bed.

Set fenders into the plaster.

Grill template. Plaster was added here to increase the width at the front

Once the grill was cut a silicon mold was taken from the plaster. The mold should have been extended further past the edge of the body subsequently its difficult to cast. The silicon mold is supported by a two part fibreglass jacket

First cast in fibre glass with a coat of primer

A polyurethane slush cast (no glass fibre)

The bodies need a lot of finishing and don't have the definition of detail that you'd expect from a commercial hard body but at least I have a few to play with. They are also a bit heavy.


The roof rack and roll bars are made of 6mm brass tube. The bed is made from styrene.

Arduino Lighting Controller notes

Some notes about the lighting controller as I build it...

No automatic alt text available.

Using a Sanwa MX-V only seems to offer a HI/LOW aux channel. This will suffice for headlights and the brake and reverse lights can be automated with an Arduino. Control of the directional signal lights and independent control of spotlights will need more channels via the Arduino.

The Sanwa manual includes a brief notes on setting up CH3 high/lo end points;

A search for 'Arduino RC light controller reveals Open source light project. The schematics and code look pretty comprehensive.

There are other guides for decoding RC receivers with an Arduino.

Rather than trying to squeeze more functionality out of the existing channels in an array of street fighter style control sequences why not use an another transmitter. I was looking at using low power RF tranmitter modules but then I noticed the winch controller remotes. Looks like a key fob style IR remote to me. 

Automatic Steel Wired Crawler Winch Control System + RC Wireless Remote Receiver

There are a plenty of tutorials for turning on/off LEDs with a universal remote.

Hit #1 looks as good as any other... and simpler than the low powered RF tutorials I have looked at.

On to the prototype....

Arduino Nano clone  £3.28

 16M 5V USB Nano V3.0 ATmega328 Micro-controller CH340G board For Arduino Pop

Infrared Remote Control Module Transmitter Receiver Kit £2.40